Interest Groups

| Interest Groups

UWC sponsors 24 interest groups, each led by a volunteer chairman and/or a co leader. Each group has regularly scheduled events that are planned at the beginning of our club year. The events are generally scheduled from September through May. Some groups do have events throughout the summer. Our interest groups are designed to promote an atmosphere to develop friendships, an opportunity to volunteer and a way to learn new things. 
We would love for you to join the University Women’s Club, make new friends and enjoy the experiences the club has to offer. If you choose to join, return to the Learn about Membership tab on the first page of the Web site under Membership. After you have read through, click on Join today and complete the profile information. You will be issued a log in and password to sign back in to complete the profile information selecting groups you are interested in. Your name will be sent to the chairperson for that group. Once a new member, You will then be able to access your event calendar and see detailed information about all our events for the year to plan your own club experience. 

Active Adventurers is for those who love to be active in the out-of-doors while enjoying the company of friends.  This group warms the heart along with the muscles. 

Due to the novel corona virus, group members have a choice between hiking with the group or hiking independently this year.
Link for Independent Hiking: (No passwords or login required)

Covid Guidelines you are agreeing to by coming on the hike:

1. Stay home if you have any of the covid-19 symptoms or have had contact with a person testing positive for the corona virus within the past 14 days.

2. Must wear a mask covering your nose and mouth when gathering at the beginning of the hike and anytime you are not social-distancing by at least 6 feet.

3. Hikers should be at least 6 feet apart from the hikers beside and in front/back of them.

4.If you want to chat with a friend while hiking side by side please wear a mask.

5. Remember to give appropriate social distance to other hikers using the trail. 

Meeting: Second Thursday of the month

Fee: None

Purpose: Have fun and develop friendship while exploring the outdoors at an active pace

Chair : Dianne Clay 614-314-3318, [email protected]

For More information Call: Dianne Clay at 614-314-3318 or email her at [email protected]

Q – How long are the hikes?

Active Adventurers hikes are approx. 3-5 miles long.

Q – How difficult are the hikes?

Our hikes vary in difficulty from flat paved trails to hilly muddy trails in the woods. Monthly emails give all the details about that month’s hike including distance and trail difficulty.

Q – Where do you hike?

Hikes are in the Columbus metro area during the winter season. We may drive a little farther in the spring and summer to see wildflowers or scenic areas.

Q – What else?

Often we find fun restaurants or nice places to picnic after our hikes.

Link to Active Adventurers photo album: (No passwords or login required)

Monthly emails give detailed directions to hike start locations.

Sept. 10 Camp Ken Jockety
Oct. 8 Historic Green Lawn Cemetery
Nov. 12 Olentangy Trail

Dec. 10 Rush Creek Village in Worthington-This walk is an independent hike due to increased covid restrictions. See the Link for Independent Hiking above for directions.

Feb. 11 Scioto Audubon Metro Park to Scioto Greenway

March 11 Griggs Reservoir with Hayden Falls Side Trip
April 8 Blackhand Gorge
May 13 Dawes Arboretum
June 10 Rhododendron Cove   and Rockbridge State Nature Preserves

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Meeting: 2nd Tuesday, 1:00 P.M.
Fee: $1.00
Purpose: Examine art while growing relationships
Chair: Susan Paolicchi (614-946-0990) TEXT Only

September 8 & 9, 2020
The Huntington Gardens at Schiller Park, German Village’s 450′ brick promenade interspersed with granite stones inscribed with quotes from Schiller’s literacy works & Outdoor Sculpture exhibit: Suspension: Balancing Art, Nature and Culture
(Joint meeting with Garden on 9/9/’20)

October 13, 2020
The City Murals of Columbus
Video will be sent with map of designated murals for individuals to drive by. Zoom meeting follows to discuss murals.

November 10, 2020

Columbus Museum of Art: individual ticket for timed tour: TBA

December 8, 2020
German Village Lights: Observing from a distance

February 8, 2021
Wexner Museum of Art: Zoom Tour, exhibit: TBA (note date Change)

March 8, 2021
Poetry reading by actress Josie Merkle (note day change)

April 12, 2021
The Art of the Columbus Convention Center via Zoom (note day change)

May 12, 2021
Meet Me at the Met, presented by Arts Chair, Susan Paolicchi (Joint meeting with Cosmopolitan)

*Meeting details as to location and/or Zoom instructions will be sent two weeks prior to program

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Meeting:  Third Tuesday 1:00p.m
Fee:  $2.00
Chair:  Lucy Lloyd ( 614-486-6235). [email protected]


This interest group usually meets at homes of members. This year the chair will
determine the type of meeting. It may occur in on line gathering using “Zoom”.
The chair will contact interested members via email about the planned meeting.

October 20, 2020 
What Is It About ‘Pearlies?’ : An organized charitable tradition of working class culture in London, England.

November 17, 2020 
Big Cotton : How A Humble Fiber Created Fortunes, Wrecked Civilizations and Put
America on the Map 

January 19, 2021
The Colors of Japan : Cultural Use Of Color Leads to Interesting Sets of Circumstances.

February 16, 2021
Presentation: Rose McConnell Albright : McConnell Family Genealogy , an exciting

March 16, 2021
Herend China 

April 20, 2021
The Theater of Fashion; Miniature Mannequins

May 18, 2021
Luncheon Gathering

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Purpose:  To learn to play bring in an informal atmosphere 
Meeting:  Second Thursday, 1:30p.m.
Fee:  none
Chair:  Ingrid Langer (885-2915)
Co Chair: Sally Taylor (941-518-9041

September 10, 2020  Ruth Anderson, (614-451-8349)
October 8, 2020  Manel Tuovinen, ,(614-459-0659)
November 12, 2020 Joyce Ubert,(614-436-4844)
** No meeting in December**
January 14, 2021 Antoinette Beynen, (614-451-9947)
February 11, 2021 Ellen Randall, (614-433-7278)
March 11, 2021 Mary Gustofson, (614-313-2113)
April 8, 2021 Anne Haney, (614-451-7225)
May 13, 2021 Beverly Stevens, (614-505-5182)

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Meeting:  1st Tuesday 12:30 p.m. 
Fee:  $1.00/meeting
Purpose:  To enjoy an informal afternoon of bridge in members’ homes.
Chair:  Carolyn Patch (262-3967)

September 8, 2020  Pat Smith    888-5935
October 6, 2020  Carolyn Patch    262-3967
November 3, 2020  Ruth Martin     457-1094 (note day change)
December 1, 2020  Marilyn Wolfe   306-6510
February 1, 2021  Sue Clark    842-6466
March 2, 2021  Bunny Cooper .  846-3532
April 6, 2021  Dorothy Driskell   882-1401
May 4, 2021  Barbara Basil  .  486-4746
June 1, 2021  Jody Gaiser    402-2202

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Meeting: 2nd Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. 
Fee: $.50/meeting

Purpose:  To play bridge in an informal atmosphere in members’ homes.

Chair:  Valaree Kennedy (339-3376)


September 8, 2020   Valaree Kennedy, (339-3376)

October 13, 2020   Jane Mikolajcik,  (457-4933)

November 10, 2020   Joan Miller, (854-0675)

December 8, 2020  Valaree Kennedy,(339-3376)

January 12, 2021   Peg Zidonis, (457-3135)

February 9, 2021   Emily Miller, (488-9208)

March 9, 2021  Rita O’Brien, (888-8535)

April 13, 2021  Lynn Friedman,  (771-8932)

May 11, 2021  Peggy Foster,

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Purpose: To enjoy and discuss movies and to provide social interaction.
Meeting: Fourth Thursday, time varies
Fee: None
Joan Wells: (330) 637-4076
September 24, 2020 Coordinator: Madeline Shaw (209-7086)
October 22, 2020 Coordinator: Beth Vannata (256-8725)
January 28, 2021 Coordinator: Sandy Glasner (352-0229)
February 25, 2021 Coordinator: Barbara Failing (508) 247-7215
March 25, 2021 Coordinator: Chris Burton (766-4240)
April 22, 2021 Coordinator: Sandy Cornett (846-6425)
May 27, 2021 Coordinator: Brenda Hosey (747-5557)

This group attends movies and gathers afterwards for discussion. The monthly program coordinator selects a movie, time, location, and discussion venue. Each member will be notified one week in advance, either by email or by phone. As long as theaters are closed, movies are chosen using Digital services offered through the library or streaming services available to members. (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV etc) During covid restrictions we view the movie on our own and meet via Zoom to discuss the film.

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Purpose:  To foster friendship among members, to encourage interest and
knowledge about cultural traditions of peoples around the world.
Meeting:  Third Thursday, 1:15p.m.
Fee:  $1.00
Chair:  Maggie Bailey (846-9750)

October 15, 2020 – “What is it About Redheads?”
November 19, 2020 –  Joyce Geary, “Fascinating Heroines of History”
January 21, 2021 –  “Journey to Petra”
February 18, 2021 – “Memories of My Flight from Eastern Germany to the American
March 18, 2021 – “Viking Homeland’s-Into the Midnight Sun”
April 15, 2021–    “Meet Me At The Met”.
May 20, 2021 – “Blue Zone Sardinia”.

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Second Friday, time varies.
Fee $1.00
Purpose: To explore our world within a one-day trip
Chair: Gayle Seroka 614-507-5978 cell
October 9, 2020
Reese Peters House and Sherman House and Museum, Lancaster.

November 13, 2020
Underground Railroad Exhibit and Maritime Museum, Sandusky.

December 11, 2020 (extra trip if enough interest)
Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens “Deck the Hall” holiday event, Akron.

February 12, 2021
Annie Oakley-Garst Museum, Greenville.

March 12, 2021
Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Cleveland.

April 9, 2021
Frank Lloyd Wright Westcott House tour, Springfield.

May 14, 2021
Kingwood Gardens and Mansion tour, Mansfield.

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The Program is determined by the director of the Play. Group members will be advised by e-mail in advance of the scheduled meetings. We anticipate conducting these meetings by ZOOM video conference at the customary time and on the usual 3rd Wednesday of the month.

We look forward to the time we will once again be able to assemble in member homes without Coronavirus concerns.

Meeting: Third Wednesday, 7:30 PM

Chair: Ruth Anderson [email protected]

September 16, 2020
October 21, 2020
November 18, 2020

January 20, 2021
February 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
April 21, 2021
May 19, 2021

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Whether you have a green thumb, wish you did, or simply love to smell the roses, this group explores the beauty of gardens and the joy of gardening, meeting at a variety of places during the year.

Second Wednesday 1:30 pm
Fee: $7.00
Purpose: To explore the beauty of gardens and the joy of gardening.

CHAIR: Beth Vannata (256-8725)

September 9, 2020
A walk through Schiller Park Joint meeting with Art
1069 Jaeger Street
Susan Paolicchi, Coordinator

October 14, 2020
Inniswood Metro Gardens
940 S. Hempstead Rd., Westerville
Jane Miller, Coordinator
November 11, 2020
Possible online program

December 9, 2020
Franklin Park Conservatory
1777 E. Broad Street
Antoinette Beynen, Coordinator

February 10, 2021
Raising Bees
631 Seabury Dr., Worthington
Marybeth McDonald, Coordinator

March 10, 2021
Presentation on Native Plants
Location/Delivery Method TBD
Joanne Schneiderman Dole, Presenter
Beth Vannata, Coordinator

April 14, 2021
Excursion to the Groovy Plant Ranch
4140 County Rd. 15, Marengo
Rose Beesom, Coordinator

May 12, 2021
Plant Exchange
Ingrid Langer, Coordinator

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Meeting: First Thursday, 1:00 p.m. Fee: none

Purpose: To leave an heirloom for our children and grandchildren, learn the fundamentals of genealogy and investigate new approaches to searching our ancestry

Co-Chairs: Dianne McKenzie (457-4714) and Marilyn Fecht (205-2043)

All members will be notified about the meeting location

Beginners Welcome


October 1, 2020  
Stepping Into Their World: Ephemera of Family History (Show & Tell) 

November 5, 2020
Women Warriors: Our Mothers  (Timelines)

December 3, 2020
We Live Here Too: The American Experiment  (Perspective)

February 4, 2021
Big Cotton: The Global Effect of a Humble Fiber  (History)

March 4, 2021
Create a Welcoming Doorway: An Introduction to Your Work (Workshop)

April 1, 2021
Sharing Hometown Histories:  Books, Post cards, Ephemera

May 6, 2021
On the Hunt: Research, Sources, Experiences That Excite Us

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Meeting:  Second Monday, 11:30 a.m.

Fee:  $15.00

Purpose:  To encourage interest in gourmet food preparation and friendship among members.

Chair:  Manel Tuovinen (614-459-0659)

October 12, 2020   TBA
November 09, 2020 Chef Demonstration and Luncheon at Refectory,  1092 Bethel Rd
Coordinator:  Manel Tuovinen
December 12, 2020 Holiday Banquet at the OSU Faculty Club (guests) 
Coordinator: Ginny Gauthier (614-451-5632).  
*Note the change of date
February 08, 2021 Super Foods; Immune Boosters!
Coordinator: Dianne McKenzie (614-457-4714)
March 08, 2021 Brazilian Food Specialties, Estilo Brazil Café,  5818 Columbus Square  
Coordinator: Ginny Gauthier (614-451-5632) 
April 12, 2021 Spring Shoots, Coordinator: Madeline Shaw (614-431-6932)
May 10, 2021 Japanese Delights, Coordinator: Manel Tuovinen (614-459-0659)
June 05, 2021 Tu Casa Mi Casa, Mexican Fiesta (guests) Place TBA
Coordinator: Joyce Geary (614-885-3164)

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Meeting: Third Wednesday, 1:30-3:30.

Fee: None

Purpose: To explore issues surrounding health and wellness, both individual and population based.

Chair: Sandra Cornett (614-846-6425)

October 21, 2020: The Aging Skin. Speaker: Mary Alice Momeyer, DNP, APRN-CNP,
Gerontology Nurse Practitioner & Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, OSU College of Nursing. Location: TBA

*December 9, 2020: The Myths and Truths about Vaccines. Speaker: Christina
Liscynesky, M.D., Infectious Disease Specialist, OSU Wexner Medical Center.
Location: TBA

March 17, 2021: Truth or Consequences: Fads & Fallacies About Medical Facts on the Internet. Speaker: Missy Creed, MA, MLIS, Consumer Health Librarian, OSU Health Sciences Library. Location: 5 th Floor Atrium, Rhodes Hall – OSU Wexner Medical Center, Tour of the library / hands on demonstration and practice.

April 21, 2021 – Fall Prevention: Do You Know Where Your Feet Are? Speaker: Jane
Acri of Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, Location: TBA

*Note Change of Date to 2nd Wednesday.

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International Dining showcases cuisines of different countries, your passport to exotic adventures in tastes from around the world.  Each member of International Dining receives a recipe for the dish they prepare for the monthly meeting, which takes place in various members’ homes.  Occasional meetings for large group dinners enables congregation with our fellow travelers. 

Meeting: Second Saturday, 7 p.m.

Fee: Free for Pandemic Year

Purpose: to enjoy conversation and camaraderie as we dine on cuisines of different countries and cultures.

Chair: Barb House 431-8929 or 309-5911

October 10 (virtual): Large Group, Peruvian.
November 14 (virtual): Large Group, Hungarian.
January 9: Swedish.
February 13: Indonesian.
March 13: Mid-East.
April 10: West African.
May 8: Large Group dinner, Indian.

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Meeting: Third Friday, 1:15 p.m.

Fee: none

Purpose: To increase interest in all phases of literature through programs, reading and discussion, and to promote fellowship among members.

Chair: Joyce Geary (614-885-3164)

All meetings are tentatively to be held in the Thurber Tower Community Room. Members will be notified

if a meeting changes location or is virtualized.


September 18, 2020
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
Discussion Leader: Nancy Donoghue; Hostess: Gayle Seroka

October 16, 2020
Bel Canto – Book only! by Anne Patchett
Discussion Leader: Rose Solomon; Hostess: Najima Shamsi, Tricia Herban

November 20, 2020
Educated by Tara Westover
Discussion Leader: Lu Ray; Hostess: Zita Davis, Katalyn Koranyi

January 15, 2020
The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz by Eric Larson
Discussion Leader: Anne LaPidus; Hostess: Linda Marshall, Jackie Nielsen

February 19, 2021
The Red Lotus by Chris Bohaljian
Discussion Leader: Najima Shamsi; Hostess: Jan Rosenfield, Beverly Stevens

March 19, 2021
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond
Discussion Leader: Tricia Hoban; Hostess: TBA

April 16, 2021 The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
Discussion Leader: Ruth Anderson; Hostess: Junco Shigemitsu

May 21, 2021
10:30 a.m. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Discussion Leader: Susan Paolicchi – Book & Movie with BRUNCH

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Meeting: Fourth Monday, 12:30 pm

Fees: None

Purpose: To foster friendships over lunch
Chair: Donna Cavell (487-0236)
October 26, 2020
Out to Lunch Planner: Kris Aldemir (419-3181)

November 23, 2020
Out to Lunch Planner: Anne LaPidus (447-8873)

January 25, 2021
Out to Lunch Planner: Sandy Cornett (846-6425)

February 22, 2021
Out to Lunch Planner: Sally Morgan (792-8029)

March 22, 2021
Carolyn Patch, (262-3967)
Potluck (Helpers: Dorothy Driskell, Dianne McKenzie, Susan Paolicchi)

April 26, 2021
Manel Tuovinen,, (459-0659)
Potluck (Helpers: Donna Cavell and Janet Mount-Campbell)

All gatherings subject to change based on COVID guidelines at the time.

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Meeting:  Third Monday, 1:00 p.m.  
Fee: $10.00

Purpose: To enjoy music through listening and participation.

Chair: Antoinette Beynen

Program Co- Chairs:  Sharon Walton and Marty Eisenbarth


October: No Meeting

November 16, 2020     

How I Created a Violin by Dan Heyer, Woodworker and Violinist (Zoom Meeting) *Must preregister to receive link: Sharon Walton [email protected]  

December 14, 2020  *Note date change to second Monday  

Christmas Music and Stories   Graves Piano and Organ Recital Hall          5798 Karl Rd, Columbus, 43229

March 15, 2021   
Favorite Beethoven Piano Music

In honor of the 250th Anniversary of Beethoven’s Birth (2020)

Place TBA

April 19, 2021   A Digital Opera Delight

We will enjoy a digital performance.    Place TBA

May 17, 2021    Benefit Tea for Nina Weigel Scholarship Fund

Place: Faculty Club, 181 S. Oval Drive, Columbus, Ohio, 43210 

*Because of the Pandemic, there needs to be a lot of flexibility in this year’s music program.  We will contact members with updates. Anyone wishing information on the programs may contact Sharon Walton or Marty Eisenbarth closer to the date of the event.  

Meeting: First Thursday, 4:00 p.m.

Fee: none

Purpose: To explore fiction and nonfiction mysteries in a congenial setting.

Chair: Brenda Hosey (747-5557)

July 9, 2020
Mardi Gras Murder by Ellen Byron
Discussion leader: Donna Cavell
Location: Zoom

September 3, 2020
A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy who helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell
Discussion leader: Diane Mallory
Location: TBA

November 5, 2020
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
Discussion leader: Junko Shigemitsu
Location: TBA

January 7, 2021
The Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer Fleming
Discussion leader: Sandy Cornett
Location: TBA

March 4, 2021
Blanche on the Lam by Barbara Neely
Discussion leader: Betty Sawyer
Location: TBA

May 6, 2021
The Ghosts of Eden Park: The Bootleg King, the Women Who Pursued Him, and the Murder that Shocked Jazz-Age America by Karen Abbot
Discussion leader: Anne LaPidus
Location: TBA

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Meeting: Second Thursday, time varies, 5:30, 6:00 or 6:30 p.m.

Fee: none

Purpose: To provide an opportunity to enjoy fine food and fellowship.

Chair: Donna Cavell (487-0236)
October 8, 2020
Planner: Rose Beeson (978-621-4083)

November 12, 2020
Planner: Charlaine Menendian (563-6058)

January 10, 2021 Planner: Kris Aldemir (419-3181)

February 11, 2021
Planner: Sally Morgan (792-8029)

March 11, 2021 Planner: Tricia Herban (443-454-0684)

April 11, 2021 Planner: Kathy Stoesser (565-1505)

May 13, 2021 Planner: Barbara Failing (508-247-7215)

June 10, 2021 Planner: Donna Cavell (487-0236)

All gatherings may be held using Zoom based on the Covid conditions in our city. Please watch for emails from co-ordinator.

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Meeting: Fourth Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Fee: none
Purpose: To stimulate and support creation of the written word.

Chair: Dotty Willis (889 9785)

All meetings at the home of Dotty Willis with masks and safe distancing, or if you prefer join us on Zoom.

September 25, 2020
October 23, 2020
January 22, 2021
February 26,2021
March 26,2021
April 23, 2021
May 28,2021

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Meeting: First Wednesday, 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Fee: $5.00

Purpose: To make stuffed toys for ill or injured children.

Co-Chairs: Lisa McCurdy (515-1529); Ann Haney (451-7225)

*All meetings are held at the Grandview Heights Public Library, 1685 W. First Ave.
Plans are subject to change based on the COVID guidelines at the time of meeting. Currently all Toy production will  be in small groups at individuals home or members may choose to work independently at home .  Please contact the program chairs to arrange for supplies.

October 7 , 2020 

November 4, 2020 

December 2, 2020 

February 3, March 3 & April 7, 2021

May 5, 2021

June 2, 2021

Toymakers have made toys since 1936 for children who need comforting. Our toys go to the Dahlberg-Gibson Learning Center, Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities, St. Vincent Family Center, OSU Hospitals, and Columbus Alzheimer Center.
We have jobs for all skill levels and interests in the production of toys which can be sent through CT scans, MRIs, etc. Come join us and choose a job. They’re all very important: cutting, sewing, stuffing,
painting faces, tying bows, or whatever else is needed to finish the product.

Although 2020 has been a year like no other, volunteers, working from home, created these wonderful toys for donation.

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Meeting: Fourth Wednesday, 4:30 pm
Fee: none
Purpose: To learn about and explore wines of the world.
Chair: Lucy Buzzee (614)205-0433

September 23, 2020
Planner: Judy Nasar (488-6965)
October 28, 2020
Planner: Sandy Glasner(352-0229)
**No meeting in November and December**
January 27, 2021
Planner: Kris Aldemir (419-3181)
February 24, 2021
Planner: Janet Kusano (512-695-1858)
March 24, 2021
Planner: Madeline Shaw (209-7086)
April 28, 2021
Planner: Donna Cavell (487-0236)
May 26, 2021
Planner: Joan Wells (330-637-4076)

Purpose:  To create and nurture friendship through sharing knitting, crochet, and needlework skills at every level of expertise.

Meeting:  First Friday, 10:00 a.m.

Fee:  $ 0.00

Chair:  Najma Shamsi (315-8426)

September 04, 2020   
Najma Shamsi (315-8426)

October 02, 2020
Najma Shamsi (315-8426)

November 06, 2020
Rose Solomon (513-560-3927)

December 04, 2020
Janet Kusano (512-695-1858)

February 05, 2021
Betty Sawyers (301-7883)

March 05, 2021
Jocelyn Lieberfarb (973-738-6530)

April 02, 2021
Wauneta Kerr (299-3887)

May 07, 2021
Najma Shamsi (315-8426)

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